TeraTechBYTE Is Back

Hey guys. This is KC from TeraTechBYTE. In this website, I'll be updating all about Techology. I will try my very best to keep this site as alive as possible by updating latest and greatest content. This site also will allow you to learn some tips and tricks softwares and hardwares.

With that, let's make this site popular.

Google Event on October 29, Samsung Nexus 10 'Manta', Android 4.2, LG Nexus 4.

On October 29, Google will likely be announcing some new softwares as well as hardwares. Google is planning to widen their Nexus lineups. As everyone knows, the Nexus 7 by Asus and Google did a fantastic job just few months back only. 

Next week, Google and Samsung is going to release a mystery tablet codenamed 'Manta'. An anonymous speaker from The Next Web told us that its going to whoop with a 10 inch screen with a 2560 x 1600 pixel as the screen resolution. 

This Samsung made tablet is going to come with 300 ppi (pixel per inch) beating the Retina display of The New iPad. It's going to come with Android 4.2 pre installed. I am sure that its going to be called Ice Cream Sandwich and nothing new. Should just an update.

Nothing more than the display information was given out by the anonymous speaker.

On the hardware side, the LG Nexus 4 is being trending. Tonnes of pictures are leaked with a device running Android 4.2 and in conjunction with the new 32GB Nexus 7 which was spotted in the wild. It will come with the WiFi and HSPA+ flavours. 

Apple Stores Now Selling iPhone 5 Casses And Screen Protectors

After Apple released the iPhone 5, many people thought that it was a huge downfall especially when they just bought a new accessory for the new iPhone. The iPhone 5 is longer and it comes with a lightning connector instead of the 30 pin dock connector.

9to5Mac is telling that Apple Stores are now starting to see cases for the iPhone 5. Since it's still a new process, you don't have a huge selection going on.

Besides that, Apple is also going to sell screen protectors. This is something new that Apple has done.

There are no details stating anything about the Lightning-compatible dock for the sixth generation iPhone. We still can hope for a homemade dock or just depend on a bunch of third-party manufactures to come up with some.

GeekIntoIT Is Back.. :)

Wassup dudes and dude(ttes). This is me again. 

It's nice to say that I'm finally back from a long, long period of time. The reason was, I was busy with school stuffs and I had to prepare for my final year test. Which I can say I didn't do quite well. Well, after all this time, me personally am feeling good to type stuffs on this keyboard again. Since I was gone, I wasn't showing up on my social sites. I only checked my Twitter feeds after few days, Facebook after few weeks and 0% on Instagram. Speaking of that, you guys should follow me on Twitter, like my Facebook fan page and on follow me on Instagram (CasseyTech). 

Since I'm back, I will have to catch up with a lot of things quickly as I'm trying to find a part time job for me. Probably at the Apple Store. I really hope I get to work there. 

I have tonne of video idea in mind and tonnes of tech stuffs to blog. 

Anyway, this is it. I'm already back at my computer so stay locked in for my goodness.. 

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Change The Position Of Your Download Bar In iOS With 'DownloadMove'

If you're really a perfectionist on everything especially on your phone, this one little jailbreak tweak will help you to actually change the progress download bar when you're downloading any app. 

This tweak is pretty simple and straight forward. You basically can change where the download bar is going to be when an app is downloading or updating. 

You have few positions to set and you can access this menu under the Settings app and find 'DownloadMove'. 

This jailbreak tweak is FREE and it is available under the BigBoss repo and a special thanks to the developer Smartviper E75

Ayecon for iPad | GeekIntoIt

If you guys have a jailbroken iPhone and possibly know about a Winterboard tweak named ayecon, it is making a move from the iPhone to the iPad. 

So basically if you don't know what is ayecon is, it is a jailbreak tweak for the iPhone now the iPad. This tweak will completely change your stock app's icon as well as third-party icons and not forgetting it will also support few jailbreak apps. 

ayecon is a huge success developed by the developer, Surenix which is pretty impressive. You can use ayecon for all the iPad(s) but if you want to take full advantage of the theme, it is best on the new iPad.  

I cannot impress how much everyone would love this tweak. Even though it is $2.99, it is totally worth the money and it is a must to look and feel for yourself. If you bought this tweak for the iPhone previously, then you will have a discount of $1.99.

Like I said, I cannot appreciate enough about this tweak so I have a video from iDownloadBlog below here. 

Prevent Google To Direct You To Country-Specific Google Version

So if you mainly use Google for work, or you just want to google your name every night, or you prefer getting answers internationally, you might prefer the main Google.com website. Anyway, if you're in a certain country, Google will automatically redirect you to that specific country's Google.com version for easier and faster search. For example, Google.de (Germany); Google.fr (France); Google.ca (Canada); Google.in (India)

If you always want to prevent this from happening, there is a trick to use. That is by typing this URL into the address bar. 


 You can either type this out every time or you can just set this as your homepage in your browser. 'NCR' stands for 'No Country Redirect'. Every time you use this URL you will go to the main Google.com page.

Note: As soon as you hit enter after the URL, the '/ncl' will disappear.