Ayecon for iPad | GeekIntoIt

If you guys have a jailbroken iPhone and possibly know about a Winterboard tweak named ayecon, it is making a move from the iPhone to the iPad. 

So basically if you don't know what is ayecon is, it is a jailbreak tweak for the iPhone now the iPad. This tweak will completely change your stock app's icon as well as third-party icons and not forgetting it will also support few jailbreak apps. 

ayecon is a huge success developed by the developer, Surenix which is pretty impressive. You can use ayecon for all the iPad(s) but if you want to take full advantage of the theme, it is best on the new iPad.  

I cannot impress how much everyone would love this tweak. Even though it is $2.99, it is totally worth the money and it is a must to look and feel for yourself. If you bought this tweak for the iPhone previously, then you will have a discount of $1.99.

Like I said, I cannot appreciate enough about this tweak so I have a video from iDownloadBlog below here. 


  1. I've seen winterboard tweak, but I cannot jailbreak to install cydia.

  2. When I am jailbreaking, the redsn0w.exe stopped working all the times. Please suggest how to use redsn0w to jailbreak.

  3. Hi Mardi. Sorry for the late reply. Try using Absinthe from Greenp0is0n to jailbreak your iPad.
